May 21, 2020
Is Your Leadership Team Really Aligned?:
Too often, the absence of overt disagreement masquerades as alignment. Said differently- just because you don’t have public discrepancies or arguments about critical issues, doesn’t mean your team is aligned. Instead of working passively on aligning your team try this instead:
Driving alignment doesn’t mean everyone has to agree. It does however mean that you have a shared understanding of the issues you are trying to resolve, strategies you are using, and approaches you are taking to improve the business.
The reason alignment is so important for your leadership team is because if they aren’t in sync, there is no way the people who need to implement strategy are either.
The Butterfly Effect: How Leaders Drive Results
This week I discuss inspiring leadership. It’s not about grand gestures or big motivational speeches, it’s about the small gestures that leaders do which has significant impact.
360 Degree Feedback - at Home:
One of the editors at Harvard Business Review asked me about my work on 360 degree feedback and whether an informal 360s process could be adapted to the family environment. So, I’m writing an article in a new HBR series for working parents. It will focus on how to apply feedback principles to the home environment to create structured conversations. Specifically, for parents to get feedback from their kids about their parenting and how they can do a better job for their children. I’ve always been clear with clients that my advice is for business and any application to the home is done at your own risk…I’m writing the article using my own children as the test case. Here are some of the lessons that you can apply to either work or home:
I’ll share the new article on applying these concepts as a parent as soon as its released, so stay tuned!
Current Read:
Clutter. We all have it, and we would all be more effective if we had less of it. This article explains how your intranet can quickly become your junk drawer, but if you clean up the clutter and optimize it, your team will see the value and continue to use it.
Question to Ponder:
What clutter can you remove in order to make space for something more valuable?
I recently spent some time cleaning my office over the last few weeks, getting rid of some stuff that I’ve held on to for years – not because I valued it, but simply because I’ve had it for so long. Make room for something new, or perhaps even better, make room for some empty space!
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