October 7, 2021
Plan For Great Communication
Only the gifted few can walk into a meeting, presentation, or conversation, wing it, and communicate powerfully and prolifically.
I work with several leaders who are considered gifted in this way by their colleagues. But the truth is, they don’t wing it. They can expand upon their ideas naturally while speaking, but they have often thought out what they want to convey.
People expect to hear refined thoughts from executives, and if you aren’t prepared, having clarified your message, your words won’t have the impact you wish. It just isn’t effective to bounce from meeting to meeting without some time to think and prepare.
Here are some tips for getting your key ideas ready for your next meeting:
Consider what captures the essence of an idea before explaining it to others. This will improve your ability to speak to your opinions, intentions, and ideas. And doing this consistently requires some preparation and practice – if you really want to be good at it.
Energy Is Your Greatest Resource
There’s a finite amount of time in one day. We work tirelessly to plan and squeeze more into those 24 hours, but we can’t create more time. What we can do is control how we use the hours that we have.
It all comes down to giving your energy as much attention (or more) as your time. In order to be more productive during working hours, we need to consistently maintain our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. While you certainly know the basics, it’s important to continually check in and see where you can improve. Ask yourself:
Succeeding in each of these is not always easy or doable. But the effort you put toward tending your physical energy and state of mind will pay off with increased clarity, focus, and productivity.
Cult Mentality
I recently listened to a podcast that compared current day politics to cults. The case was made that people on both sides of the political spectrum exhibit behaviors and attitudes that could be considered “cult-like”. So, I did some digging to find the characteristics of cults and wanted to share a few with you that I thought widely applicable.
While I don’t think modern day political parties behave completely like cults (though they have their moments), it was a good reminder to take a step back and consider the mentality of the groups around you.
Linkedin Live
Join me on Tuesday, October 12th for another live session where we will be discussing how to accelerate sales transformation by focusing on the long game.
Currently Reading:
How to Host a Truly Productive Brainstorming Session
In the first article of my newsletter, I mentioned the importance of preparing your ideas before discussing them. But being thoughtful about how to approach conversation isn’t only critical for presentations and meetings. It’s also the key to a successful brainstorming session. Brainstorming sessions are the perfect time to think out loud and build off of one another’s ideas. They are great tools for business leaders to increase innovative thinking. Sadly, they are often a waste of time because they are not planned out. This article gives you four tips to have more productive brainstorming sessions that generate creativity and allow all team members to contribute in a meaningful way.
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