Closing Out The Year
December is so different from any other month of the year. This month’s newsletter ought to be different as well.
In December, we are simultaneously sprinting to complete what we must to ensure to make the year successful - or at the very least, less of a disappointment. Planning, organizing, and budgeting for the next year. And celebrating a holiday or two or three (in my home we celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years Eve.) with parties, shopping, extra meetups with friends and colleagues, and time off with family. Yes, December is different. It is wonderful in many ways. It can also be exhausting. So, here are some thoughts for you to get the most out of the holiday season.
- Put extra thought into this question: “What can wait?” Maybe the thing you are working on really does have a Dec. deadline. If there is a tax or filing implication it certainly may. But if you think it needs to be done by December 31st, what is the impact of considering a deadline of Jan. 15th or even Jan 30th for that matter? I offer this because many of you reading this are in the position of establishing deadlines – especially for yourselves.
- Consider extra thought on this question too: “Who can wait?” We all have dear friends and colleagues we’d like to do something to celebrate the holidays with. But couldn’t you just as easily meet for that celebratory cocktail or dinner in January or even February when life is back to its usual hectic instead of the pile-everything-possible-in-to-one-month-pace of December.
- Don’t forget yourself. I’m not talking about gifts, though if you want to buy for yourself go for it. Who knows better than you what you want? I’m referring to giving yourself what you need so you don’t wear down or find yourself returning to work in January burnt out from the holidays. Rest, exercise, time alone, whatever it is that keeps you from getting “grinch-like.” This is as important as anything else you will do.
- Enjoy the festivities. Just keep in mind that you can have too much of a good thing. A good friend of mine has cocktail napkins printed with a question that always makes me laugh. “Who is this moderation that everyone is telling me to drink with?” From food, to alcohol, to sweets, the holidays provide amazing gustatory treats. Mix in a water. Have a piece of fruit. Enjoy.
- Take the pressure off gifts. Those you give as well as those you receive. It can be stressful to find the right gifts for people you care about. Do your best to be thoughtful but don’t obsess. You do not have to give the perfect gift. And outside of young children, the perfect gift is rare. On receiving gifts, be appreciative and grateful for anything you receive. If you receive this newsletter, there is no reasonable gift that you can’t buy for yourself. For both instances, remember that mantra “It’s the thought that counts.”
- Take a moment to help someone else. From time intensive volunteering to providing a caring heart and shoulder to cry on, there are a lot of ways you can help others. This is true every day, of course. But the holidays create sadness and even misery for some. The contrast of the life someone wants with the losses they experience is rarely more vivid. Whatever people are missing most seems magnified this month.
As I wrote this, I couldn’t help but feel I was writing it as much for me as any of you who are reading it. Odds are it’s not the first time you’ve heard any of these ideas. But simple ideas are not often easy to put in practice. Even when we know they make sense. I’ve violated every one of these principles. Sometimes all in the same holiday season. So, I know how important they are. I hope you can take something from this newsletter that will help you to do one thing differently, even in just one moment, that will make your December a little bit better.
Thank you for being here each month as I share insights, ideas, and reflections. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday season.