
Insights - How to Keep (and Grow with) Your Customers

Studies show that the buyer experience has a profound effect on keeping the customers you have, particular in business-to-business sales.

That’s right. You can offer an impeccable product or service, but more than any other factor, the interactions your customers experience with your sales force help to cement their relationship with your company.

A survey of B2B customers by Gartner (then CEB) some years back revealed that it was the buyer’s experience with the sales representative that accounted for 53% of customer loyalty — more than the brand, the delivery and the product itself combined.

The B2B buyers in the survey relied on their sales representatives to give them perspective on their markets. They also depended on them for myriad other needs:

  • To help them navigate alternatives. An educated salesperson knows your products or services inside and out — and your sales force can help customers to find the best options within your company’s offerings so that they aren’t tempted to stray.

  • To educate them about potential land mines. Your sales team knows the dangers on the horizon within the industry, and they can assist buyers in preparing for what’s to come.

  • To provide support throughout the buyer’s organization. It’s not uncommon for a savvy salesperson to have multiple connections within a buyer’s company, or to offer assistance at many different levels, thus further cementing a strong relationship.

  • To make it easy to buy from them. Your sales team is your company’s front door — open, approachable, and knowledgeable. They are a trusted presence as buyers explore the range of solutions your company provides.

When today’s B2B customers agree to meet with one of your sales reps, they are looking for a long-term partner and trusted adviser to help them solve problems and succeed in their responsibilities. But how much have you thought about the sales experience that your organization delivers? Have you put strategic effort in to making that experience compelling?

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