January 27, 2022
The Three Silver Bullets That Often Miss Their Mark
I was interviewed at the Highspot Spark conference in November in a session titled Excellence at Scale: How Revenue Organizations Translate Strategy to Execution. One of the topics we covered was three silver bullets that often miss their mark.
When executives want to increase revenue, there are three common strategies used to improve the performance of sales teams: training, compensation, and recruitment. While there’s nothing wrong with these tactics, the issue lies in how they are implemented.
Typically, they aren’t used as part of a cohesive strategy to create a great sales experience and sell differently. They are done in staccato fashion, and often delegated to HR or middle management with expectations that they will immediately solve the problem at hand.
Here are a few reasons why your silver bullets aren’t hitting their mark, and how to redirect them.
With a cohesive strategy and an understanding of the effort and time needed, these approaches, despite not being silver bullets, can have a strong impact. It’s all in how you do it and who leads the effort.
You can watch the entire Highspot Spark Conference interview here.
Stop Presenting Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets and slides filled with numbers are not effective visual aids in a presentation. The audience immediately turns their attention to the slide to digest the information and look for what they find interesting. Most importantly, that means they stop listening to what you are saying. But I’m consistently surprised at how many people present an entire excel file from a projector or during a Zoom/other videoconference. Doing so never fails to derail a presentation.
To keep the focus on you and your message, follow these presentation principles:
Don’t overwhelm your audience with information. Only present the pieces of data that are critical to the current conversation. The rest can be sent as a follow-up to fill in gaps or answer any lingering questions.
Harriet Lerner, author of the book Why Won’t You Apologize once said that kids tell her that their “I’m sorry” will invariably be followed by sermonizing or “add-ons” that make them want to get away as quickly as possible. If you want to teach your child to apologize, learn to say, “Thank you for the apology.” STOP THERE.
As I read this, I couldn’t help but think how applicable it is for us as adults too. This is not to say that an “I’m sorry” should foreclose any further conversation about the issue if it’s warranted. But recognizing when it’s time to stop the expression of the grievance and accept an apology is an important part of embracing any attempts at repair being made.
Current Read
Writing is a key communication skill. Yet, most leaders are mediocre at succinctly and clearly expressing their ideas. Just read the many email exchanges you receive in a day! Kip Tindell, former CEO of The Container Store, said “One of our foundation principles is that leadership and communication are the same thing. Communication is leadership.” I completely agree with him.
I recently read an article that discussed the importance of written communication for leaders and showcased two common mistakes. The first mistake is when people write in a drastically different way than they naturally speak and the second is failing to provide enough context on a topic or insight. Basically… they overcomplicate things.
Read about how to keep your writing simple in the Strategy+Business article Leaders Need to Be Good Writers Too.
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