March 2017
Sales - Where Strategy Goes to Die
Corporate strategy, conceived in the boardroom, most often dies when handed over to a sales team on the front lines. What many executives don't understand is that sales is strategy, and most revenue shortfalls are failures of leadership and not of sales.In this month's newsletter I'm including a link to my latest white paper, Sales - Where Strategy Goes To Die in place of my typical monthly article.
Until recently, I've been guilty of separating strategy, leadership, and sales in my work with clients. In part, that's because a lot of organizations view each as a unique discipline. While they consist of different components in the equation to drive results, I've observed that they are inextricably linked in high performance organizations. I think you will see that too when you read, Sales - Where Strategy Goes To Die.
I've worked with a cartoonist to capture some of the humorous things I see in organizations. I'll share them every other month and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did creating them.
A Slice of Life Balance
Try a short walk-preferably outside-in the middle of your workday. Every one of us needs to add more movement in to our days. And it's a bonus if you can get outside (many of you work in offices without going outside at all during the day, so getting fresh air may feel like rarefied air.) Don't talk on the phone or read anything on a screen. Just walk--even its five or ten minutes. It's a pretty easy way to increase your energy and boost creative thinking and clearer thinking. I won't bore you with the science behind it, but if you are curious you'll find one such study from the Journal of Experimental Psychology here.
Edinger’s Insights is packed with strategies and ideas to lead business growth.*
*Scott will never share your contact information
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