July 2023
A Sneak Peek for Subscribers!
Last week, I got the Advance Review Copies for The Growth Leader: Strategies to Drive the Top and Bottom Lines. As a subscriber to this newsletter, you’re getting a sneak preview of the foreword by Frank V. Cespedes, Harvard Business School Professor and Author of Aligning Strategy and Sales, along with my introduction and the first half of chapter one. You can access this by clicking here.
I hope you find it valuable and that it whets your appetite for the entire book!
The Growth Leader took over four years to get across the finish line. I have early notes on my ideas for the book that go back over a decade. At one point, after eviscerating the manuscript, my editor said to me, “Scott, you know what you want to say. Just say it.” He encouraged me to rewrite the book with that in mind—and in just over 90 days, the book was done. I suppose sometimes it takes years to write a book that quickly.
There are a lot of lessons to be mined in that experience. I’ll share some in future newsletters. But this month, the main event is your chance to download this preview of The Growth Leader. And of course, I’d be thrilled to hear what you think. Please share any feedback—including disagreement—if you have it. It’s all valuable to me. I hope to hear from you!
If this preview gets you excited enough to pre-order it, you can do so at your favorite book retailer.
If you’re interested in buying multiple books for your team or company, reach out and let’s talk about what extras we can add to that bulk order.
I’ll be back with another LinkedIn Live on August 15 and will announce the topic in the August newsletter.
LinkedIn Live Question for Subscribers
What topics would you be interested in covering in future LinkedIn Live events? Please reply to this newsletter with your suggestions, or you can email me directly here. I’ll prioritize the suggestions from newsletter subscribers.
Edinger’s Insights is packed with strategies and ideas to lead business growth.*
*Scott will never share your contact information
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