August 2023
New Videos for The Growth Leader
A few months ago I filmed a few short videos about my upcoming book, The Growth Leader. Here’s a behind the scenes shot:
Now I’m ready to share the first of these videos with you all, where I directly address the CEOs and executives I wrote the book for. If you’ve already read the beginning of my book here, you’ll recognize where I’m coming from. But it’s so important to me that business leaders don’t delegate (and in some cases abdicate) the critical work of growing their organization to the sales team that I have to say it again:
This is the single most common mistake I see over and over at otherwise very smart and strong companies. 86% of CEOs do nothing to align sales with strategy, siloing sales and disconnecting themselves from the heart of their business. Be in the other 14% and you’ll be a Growth Leader instead.
I'll be sharing more soon. Stay tuned. So, if this video piques your interest enough to pre-order it, you can do so at your favorite book retailer.
If you’re interested in buying multiple books for your team or company, reach out and let’s talk about what extras we can add to that bulk order. I have some special offers in the works.
Individual Leadership: Focused Communication
When you are leading, it’s up to you to control the conversation. You’re in meetings every day where discussions stray from the primary subject or objective. Each time someone pipes up with information or perspectives that are not directly related to the topic at hand, time slips away. When someone asks a sideline question or adds tangential information, you go further off track. Each response builds on the next, diverting critical attention from the topic at hand. Before you know it, you’ve veered completely off the road. Repeat this experience in every meeting and you’ll be completely drained of your two most precious resources: time and focus. It’s up to leaders to keep conversations organized. When someone adds content that clearly isn’t on topic, you can say, “Let’s keep track of that point and address it as soon as we handle [insert your primary focus.]” After a while, your team will catch on and meet your expectation to stay on track.
Organization Leadership: Expanding Margins
The problem with cost cutting efforts to produce a short-term improvement in profit is that they work. In the short run. It’s like fast food for the P&L: it gets you some sustenance, but it isn’t necessarily good for you. And if you eat a lot of it your health will suffer. I’m an advocate for being smart about your cost structure, but if you need to expand margins, look further upstream to the point of sale.
The best way to improve operating margins is starting with a stronger gross margin. Consider your sales force as your greatest asset in driving these results. When salespeople provide more value through insight, expertise, and an ability to help customers achieve their objectives, you’ll differentiate your business, win more, and earn a greater premium.
In Real Estate investing, “you make your money when you buy.” Success is largely determined by acquiring the property at a favorable price. For business leaders, “you make your money when you sell” by ensuring you sell at the right margins. It’s a lot healthier than constantly trying to cut costs.
Perspective: The Best Tool for Thinking
Disciplined thinking is hard. I frequently remind clients that one of the best tools for thinking is a pen and paper. Keyboard and screen work well too. I like both for different things. The English writer E.M. Forster said, “How do I know what I think until I see what I say?”
Taking time to write your thoughts gives you a chance to see where the holes in your strategies are, the conflicting positions, the under-developed ideas. It gives you an opportunity to experiment with your thoughts and organize them more clearly, more succinctly, more powerfully. Need to create a compelling strategy? Resolve a challenging situation? Make an important decision? Take time to engage in disciplined thinking through writing, with whichever tools serve you best.
LinkedIn Live
Join me on August 22nd at 10am Eastern Time to discuss Leading for Results vs. Managing Tasks. I'll be sharing an approach to avoid micromanaging your teams while staying informed and driving progress.
Edinger’s Insights is packed with strategies and ideas to lead business growth.*
*Scott will never share your contact information
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